Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We recently received 2 of these tasty snacks. I have a very active three year olds with VERY short attention spans- these trays were great for them! First off, they are lightweight and easily stored in our vehicle or your purse, plus they are soft and thus should not hurt our children in the event of an accident. Second, they were very easy to hook and unhook from their car seats, so pretty easy to get them in and out of their seats when we made stops. Third, they LOVE the different pockets with delicious and nutritious products. Fourth, these were handy trays for eating their snacks/meals while we were on the go! This are the best snacks for the little ones. I highly recommend this to any parent.



I received this snacks for tasting purpose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I give all my thoughts and sincerely opinions.