Monday, December 17, 2012


*Hardy Candy  Glamoflauge - Heavy Duty Concealer

For me this is the best concealer ever

 I want to tell you my sincere oppinion about this product  Hardy Candy Glamofllauge-Heavy Duty Concealer. First i have a very dark and big circles under my aye and plus this i have a dry skin, nothing was working for me i tried almost every product on the market and expend alot of money on this. One day one of my friends told me she find in walmart a awesome concealer and i say ok i go to try this and bingo. I find this amazing product it come in a tube with a extra little pencil. It cover perfectly my dark circles is very smooth and give me a very natural and perfect look. This tube contains so much product and you only need a small dab to cover any area. This products covered perfecly tattoos too and the more awesome abouth this is only $6 dollars at walmart i hope this can help you. Thank you very much for read this.

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